Sunday, March 27, 2011

Bridging the gap

With the last few pieces of backdrop waiting to be cut, which is waiting for the weather to behave, I have moved my efforts into the subroadbed. I have figured that since I have a unique bridge that will be in the middle of a curve that I should have the bridge pretty well built before I build the subroadbed around it. I started with selecting the bridge and using google earth as reference to get the basic dimensions. From there I made some scale drawings and have started to plug away at the overall structure. For the first time today it actually looks like something although it is far from complete I thought I would post an in progress shot.

More photos on the Bend Structures Page

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Rounding the bend

With a little time this weekend I was able to knock out a piece of backdrop and fix my benchwork. I have about three peices of backdrop left to hang up then I can get on to mudding.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Backdrop Backbone...

With a run to the big box hardware store and a few free hours I was able to get the basic backdrop started on the layout expansion. I plan to use joint compound to cover the seems and then wet sand the area. I was very happy with the overall effect last time I put up my back drop using these techniques. I hope to get the rest of the backdrop up next weekend and maybe start on mudding the joints. Once I get the backdrop prepped I can then start in on the sub-roadbed, but until...

More stuff on the Bend Layout page

Sunday, March 6, 2011

With a long Sunday spent making sawdust and gluing my fingers together I was able to get the basic benchwork up. I still have some supports and corners to finish up but I am really happy with the way it is coming out.  Next I will add the hoardboard for the backdrop and get ready to paint, which involves lots of mudding and sanding and making a general mess.