Monday, January 5, 2015

2015 Goals

I saw someone else post their goals for 2015 and I thought it may be a good idea. I have thought about it for awhile and decided that I did not want to make my goals to lofty or unrealistic. I also did not want to make the goals to easy as it more about getting things done then just checking off boxes.

1) Complete the Railroad Line Forum's Challenge / Laserart Company House #1
2) Get the upper storage shelves in the "Train Shed"
3) Start the preliminary electrical work on the "Train Shed"

It is not a lot of goals but it should give me a good list of things to get done this year.

I may update my goals each Quarter and add to them, I will keep updating as I can and I hope to start checking things off the list soon.

1 comment:

  1. Greg,

    Other than my 'lost 20 lbs' goal, I intentionally left the other two resolutions general enough that I could complete them to whatever degree I wanted. This is a hobby, after all! Check out my latest blog post on Resolutions. My next post will include more specific layout goals for Pinto, and some goals for the railroad in general.

    Happy New Year, and Happy Model Building!
